Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Reset your Password

A request to reset password was received from your thomas Account - anggara.putra11@gmail.com (ID: 7165839) from the IP - .

Use this link to reset your password and login.

Note: This link is valid for 1 hour from the time it was sent to you and can be used to change your password only once.

IMP: If you have not initiated this request, report it to us immediately.

For any support with respect to your relationship with us you can always contact us directly using the following Information.

Technical Support:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com

Sales Contact:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com
Tel No.: +021.32310530

Billing Contact:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com
Tel No.: +021.32310530

Tel: +021.32310530

This is an automated email, please don't reply.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

New sign-in from Android

New sign-in from Android
You received this message because anggara.Putra11@gmail.com is listed as the recovery email for snow.inblade123@gmail.com. If snow.inblade123@gmail.com is not your Google Account, click here to disconnect from that account and stop receiving emails.
Hi wahyudi,
Your Google Account snow.inblade123@gmail.com was just used to sign in on Android.
wahyudi maulana
Friday, October 14, 2016 4:01 PM (Western Indonesia Time)
Don't recognize this activity?
Review your recently used devices now.

Why are we sending this? We take security very seriously and we want to keep you in the loop on important actions in your account.
We were unable to determine whether you have used this browser or device with your account before. This can happen when you sign in for the first time on a new computer, phone or browser, when you use your browser's incognito or private browsing mode or clear your cookies, or when somebody else is accessing your account.
The Google Accounts team
*The location is approximate and determined by the IP address it was coming from.
This email can't receive replies. To give us feedback on this alert, click here.
For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.
You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google product or account.
© 2016 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

New sign-in from Android

New sign-in from Android
You received this message because anggara.Putra11@gmail.com is listed as the recovery email for snow.inblade123@gmail.com. If snow.inblade123@gmail.com is not your Google Account, click here to disconnect from that account and stop receiving emails.
Hi wahyudi,
Your Google Account snow.inblade123@gmail.com was just used to sign in on Android.
wahyudi maulana
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 6:16 PM (Western Indonesia Time)
East Java, Indonesia*
Don't recognize this activity?
Review your recently used devices now.

Why are we sending this? We take security very seriously and we want to keep you in the loop on important actions in your account.
We were unable to determine whether you have used this browser or device with your account before. This can happen when you sign in for the first time on a new computer, phone or browser, when you use your browser's incognito or private browsing mode or clear your cookies, or when somebody else is accessing your account.
The Google Accounts team
*The location is approximate and determined by the IP address it was coming from.
This email can't receive replies. To give us feedback on this alert, click here.
For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.
You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google product or account.
© 2016 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Selasa, 27 September 2016

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID


Untuk menikmati manfaat BlackBerry ID Anda sepenuhnya, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan untuk berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Terima kasih,

Tim BlackBerry

Senin, 26 September 2016

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID


Untuk menikmati manfaat BlackBerry ID Anda sepenuhnya, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan untuk berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Terima kasih,

Tim BlackBerry

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

Alamat Gmail Anda, aanggaraputra67@gmail.com, telah dibuat

Selamat datang di Gmail! Anda dapat masuk ke akun Anda di http://mail.google.com/.

Berikut ini beberapa kiat guna membantu Anda memulai:

Bila Anda bermasalah dengan akun atau lupa sandi, kami akan menghubungi Anda melalui alamat ini.

Selamat menikmati!

Tim Gmail

Jika Anda tidak membuat alamat Gmail ini dan tidak mengenali email ini, harap kunjungi: https://accounts.google.com/AccountDisavow?adt=AOX8kirE9g1tLzge083XpaJoGDXkS7eGO1R-LD5izXeokqCVIaOopkTQdzpCU4qrjdeun9k untuk membatalkan tautan akun ini.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID


Untuk menikmati manfaat BlackBerry ID Anda sepenuhnya, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan untuk berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Terima kasih,

Tim BlackBerry

Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID


Untuk menikmati manfaat BlackBerry ID Anda sepenuhnya, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan untuk berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Terima kasih,

Tim BlackBerry

Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID

Konfirmasi alamat email BlackBerry® ID


Untuk menikmati manfaat BlackBerry ID Anda sepenuhnya, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan untuk berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Terima kasih,

Tim BlackBerry

Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

Reset your Password

A request to reset password was received from your thomas Account - anggara.putra11@gmail.com (ID: 7165839) from the IP - .

Use this link to reset your password and login.

Note: This link is valid for 1 hour from the time it was sent to you and can be used to change your password only once.

IMP: If you have not initiated this request, report it to us immediately.

For any support with respect to your relationship with us you can always contact us directly using the following Information.

Technical Support:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com

Sales Contact:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com
Tel No.: +021.32310530

Billing Contact:
Email Address: thomas.chaniago@gmail.com
Tel No.: +021.32310530

Tel: +021.32310530

This is an automated email, please don't reply.

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

New sign-in from Internet Explorer on NOKIA

New sign-in from Internet Explorer on NOKIA
You received this message because anggara.Putra11@gmail.com is listed as the recovery email for snow.inblade123@gmail.com. If snow.inblade123@gmail.com is not your Google Account, click here to disconnect from that account and stop receiving emails.
Hi wahyudi,
Your Google Account snow.inblade123@gmail.com was just used to sign in from Internet Explorer on NOKIA.
wahyudi maulana
Monday, June 6, 2016 11:36 PM (Western Indonesia Time)
Internet Explorer
Don't recognize this activity?
Review your recently used devices now.

Why are we sending this? We take security very seriously and we want to keep you in the loop on important actions in your account.
We were unable to determine whether you have used this browser or device with your account before. This can happen when you sign in for the first time on a new computer, phone or browser, when you use your browser's incognito or private browsing mode or clear your cookies, or when somebody else is accessing your account.
The Google Accounts team
*The location is approximate and determined by the IP address it was coming from.
This email can't receive replies. To give us feedback on this alert, click here.
For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.
You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google product or account.
© 2016 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

BlackBerry® ID Anda telah dibuat

BlackBerry® ID Anda telah dibuat


Anda telah membuat BlackBerry ID!

Untuk mendapatkan manfaat sepenuhnya dari BlackBerry ID, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan atas berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Tim BlackBerry


Jika Anda tidak membuat atau tidak mengakui akun ini, harap klik, hapus BlackBerry ID ini.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

JOOX - Email Verification

Hi RizkyAnggarap,

Welcome to JOOX! JOOX is a free music app designed to give you the best listening experience. On JOOX, you can listen to any radio on demand, search top charts quickly, shuffle any recommended songs, add favorite songs, and enjoy other stellar services.

Please verify the email address you registered on JOOX.

Verify Now

If the button above doesn't work, please copy and open the following link with your browser.

